1 pound Soy Candle Making Kit. Includes 100% Natural Soy Wax, Candle Wicks, Wick Holder, Wick Sticker, Melting Wax Pot, for DIY Handmade Candle
Preparation : Unpack the package and ensure all materials, including additional ingredients required for the production process(such as wax blocks, moulds , pigments, fragrances, stirring rods, and heat sources), are complete and placed on a safe workbench.
Melting the Wax Blocks: Use a heat source (such as a double boller or dedicated electric wax melting furnace) to liquid state. Control the temperature carefuly to avoid overheating and potential fires.
Coloring and Fragrancing: Add appropriate amounts of pigments and fragrances to the liquid wax. Gently stir with a stirring rod until the colour is uniform & the fragrance is evenly distributed
Pouring into Molds: Carefuly pour the colored and fragrant liquid wax into the prepared molds, stir gently with a stirring rod to release any trapped bubbles. To avoiding the formation of bubbles. Tap the side of the mould and tap it down on the table a few times
Cooling and Shaping: Place the moulds in a well-ventilated, cool place to allow them to cool naturally unfl fuly solidified. Carefuly remove the candles from the moulds once they have coled. Your homemade, beautiful candles are now ready. Ensure they are fully cooled before handling or using.